Bright. Shiny. Things.

Bright. Shiny. Things.

What they are and why they are important to your brand. A common myth holds that crows, magpies, and other jaybirds collect bright, shiny things. Cue the way-back fantasy movie from 1982 (released before many of you were born), the Secret of NIMH. The crow character,...
Waltz of the wallflowers

Waltz of the wallflowers

Starting a business is relatively easy. At least when you compare it to getting people to walk through your door, push the buy button on your website or pony up some hard-earned dollars for a subscription. That requires a complex mix of marketing, advertising, and...
David and Goliath

David and Goliath

Growing up in Renton, I fondly recall going to McLendon Hardware. The original store on Second Avenue was filled with anything you could possibly imagine. Their slogan back then was, “If we don’t have it, you don’t need it,” and from my experience, that held true. The...