No such thing as a dumb question.

We don’t come into the world knowing all the answers. So, growing up, we ask a lot of questions in order to figure things out and solve the problems we face. The problems and mysteries get more complex as we get older and we ask more complex questions. A friend of...

Check it out!

As a young boy, I never liked libraries. It wasn’t because of the musty smell of a thrift store or the scowling librarian who insisted on total silence or because I could never figure out the Dewey Decimal System or the bad jokes like  How do librarians file melted...

An now, an encore…

While most people think of July as the month for family vacations, outdoor barbecues or investing in a better air conditioning unit my mind is trying to figure out Medicare enrollment forms.  Yes, this is the month I turn 65. Research tells me that I am just one of...

Which comes first…?

When I first entered into this sometimes inscrutable profession of helping communities help themselves, the name of the organization I joined was the Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development. But community developers and economic developers were...

Eat local. Shop local. Fund local.

The presidential campaign is upon us and for the next 17 months our mailboxes, our computers and our television screens  will be crammed with  requests  from candidates and supporters making promises and asking for money.  One presidential hopeful recently said that...