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Module 3: Cash Flow


Welcome to Managing Cash Flow. In this module, we’ll take a more in-depth look at the idea of cash flow and how it impacts your business. As a small business, there’s a lot of money that moves in and out on a daily basis. To maximize your cash, you need to think ahead in order to meet financial obligations and run a profitable business on a long-term basis.

What do you know about cash flow?

Let’s start with a quick test to help you gauge your understanding of cash flow. Rate yourself from 1 (least) to 4 (most).


1.       I can describe why cash flow management is a critical component of owning and operating a small business 1 2 3 4
2.       I know how to assess the cash flow cycle of my business and make cash flow projections. 1 2 3 4
3.       I can describe how a cash flow statement can help assess and improve the financial health of my business. 1 2 3 4
4.       I can identify at least two ways to manage cash flow in terms of managing costs and potential income. 1 2 3 4