Decision-Maker Roundtables

Washington PeerSpectives

As the pandemic turns the corner and the economy begins to recover, business owners and C-suite executives will be turning their attention to rebuilding and in some cases, restarting.

With this in mind, the Department of Commerce has created Washington PeerSpectives® , a virtual roundtable to help these decision-makers tackle the most pressing issues related to recovery, growth and expansion, such as:

  • Managing remote and distributed workers and teams
  • Managing the bottom line during a new period of growth
  • Identifying new sources of capital and investment
  • Adjusting physical footprints, optimizing square footage and negotiating leases
  • Assessing business models to reflect shifts in customer/client preferences
  • Addressing residual stress and mental health issues from extended periods of isolation
  • Optimizing operations and supply chains

Washington PeerSpectives puts you in contact with other owners and executives of similarly sized companies where you set your own agenda, tackling issues in a convenient, confidential place. Each series is led by a facilitator that has been trained by the Edward Lowe Foundation who will help guide the conversation and provide support to the group.

Participants are paired with like-minded decision-makers in similar-sized companies in other industries to create a broader pool of ideas and experiences. Competitors are not placed in the same PeerSpectives track to ensure confidentiality and privacy. Each participant receives a list of peers for their roundtable prior to the first meeting.

Each meeting lasts two to three hours and participants meet monthly at a mutually agreeable time for a year. Each roundtable is limited to eight members to allow plenty of time for discussion and sharing of ideas and best practices.

Who should enroll?

The ideal participant is the leader of a second-stage company in Washington State that is poised for rapid recovery and growth. These individuals have the ultimate decision-making authority for their company, such as a business owner, CEO or president. PeerSpectives is particularly suitable for businesses that have been impacted by the pandemic and subsequent economic disruptions and are seeking a path forward.

Graduates of Commerce’s Thrive! program are particularly well suited for PeerSpectives.

PeerSpectives offers participants the opportunity to:

  • Share experiences, best practices and solutions with peers in other industries who may be facing similar challenges.
  • Discuss pressing and emerging issues in a safe, supportive environment.
  • Focus on problem solving and ideation.
  • Explore and share best practices focused on operational and strategic approaches to grow and strengthen your business.
  • Work with trained facilitators who keep discussions on track and relevant.
  • Meet in a convenient online environment that is private and confidential.

What does PeerSpectives cost?

The total cost for the entire year (10 sessions – no session August or December) is $195 per person.

Scholarships and discounts may be offered by some partner organizations.


New roundtables are being added continually as more businesses show interest. Since roundtables are virtual, any second-stage business can enroll, regardless of their physical location. If the current PeerSpectives sessions are full, we will put you on the priority list for the next series.


Need more information?

Susan Joseph Nielsen, Small Business Program Manager
Phone: (509) 220-6048


Upcoming PeerSpectives

Thriving in Challenging Times

A crisis is where danger and opportunity intersect. Senior business leaders who are able to think clearly and who can learn and adapt, will move their companies away from the threats toward opportunities.

Designed for leaders of second-stage companies, Thriving in Challenging Times examines how the brain’s circuits react to uncertainty and how brain-based tools and frameworks can move senior managers and their teams through a crisis and to the other side. In the process, leaders are able to think more clearly, re-energize and refocus, gain control over their emotions and in the process, make better decisions.

Led by experts at the Edward Lowe Foundation, these two-hour segments are conducted over Zoom over the course of three days. The goal is to deliver high-impact, actionable information without disrupting operations. It is an excellent prep course for Commerce’s Thrive! program, which is our high-growth strategy series.

What you’ll learn:

  • How your brain reacts instinctively to danger and how you can use that reaction to create opportunities.
  • Techniques for gaining control over thinking and emotions.
  • The different phases of change and how you can guide your organization through them.
  • Tools to navigate uncertainty and move toward a more positive future.
  • How your mental, physical and emotional well-being is closely tied to the well-being of your company.