Sleepy Hollow Fire – Wenatchee
As area businesses continue to grapple with the impact of the Sleepy Hollow fire, we’ve assembled some links to keep you informed and update you on state, county and local activities as much as possible.
Emergency Organizations & Agencies
Chelan County Emergency Management
Red Cross – Apple Valley Chapter
Washington State Emergency Management Division
Department of Commerce Emergency Recovery Assistance Washington Wildfires 2015
Northwest Interagency Coordination Center
Housing and Community Services (Department of Commerce)
Business Assistance
State Tax Relief – Department of Revenue
Unemployment Claims – Department of Employment Security
City of Wenatchee Community & Economic Development Department
Additional Twitter Updates
Facebook Updates
Washington State Emergency Management Division
#SleepyHollowFire (on Facebook)
InciWeb Updates
Incident Information System – Sleepy Hollow
#SleepyHollow Fire Updates #SleepyHollowFire Tweets
Business Recovery Checklist
If a reduction, shutdown or relocation is required:
- Activate your Business Continuity Plan and the Crisis Communications Plan.
- Secure the company’s facilities as required.
- Notify stakeholders that a slowdown, shutdown or relocation is occurring. Give them further instructions.
- Determine near-term liquidity needs.
- Arrange for mail to be stopped, held or forwarded temporarily to a new location.
- Track the recovery expenses of all personnel for possible reimbursement, such as overtime, travel or equipment rentals.
- Record any injuries in the OSHA logs and be sure you report these to the state’s L&I department.
- Determine what resources (staff, technology, equipment, facilities, etc.) are needed to move back, reopen or restart operations.
- Create a phased approach to resume full operations.
- Communicate this plan to the Business Continuity Plan team, president/owner and other key stakeholders.
- Communicate this plan to employees.
Reopening Operations
- Inspect facilities for damage. Get necessary state, county and local approvals to return to operations.
- Confirm with local authorities that it is safe for employees to return to work (i.e., roads are clear, bridges are safe, etc.).
- Re-establish utilities.
- Establish business priorities.
- Contact initial staffing needed to reopen for business.
- Inventory damages.
- Check documentation requirements for insurance, federal, state and local disaster aid, etc.
- Re-establish computer systems, retrieve back ups.
- Contact vendors.
- Bring in all services that were performed remotely.
- Bring personnel back in phases to support functions as they are restored.